RoboWar 4.1.2 Registration Form To register for RoboWar, print out this form and send it with your registration fee to: RoboWar HindQuarters 1112 Evelyn Ct. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Please print neatly or your registration code may end up in Alaska by accident. When you get your registration code back, choose Register Program… from the File menu. For more information on registration, click on the Introduction item on the right side of this dialog box. Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Email: ________________________________ (if applicable) Where did you discover RoboWar? ___ America Online ___ Book or CD: ___________________ ___ Internet site: ____________________________________ ___ Other: _________________________________________ Enclosed is (check all that apply): ___ my check or international money order for $15, payable to David Harris ___ a formatted high-density disk; please send me the latest version of RoboWar and the most recent tournament results ___ other (e.g. site license fee, partial payment because I can't afford $15, etc.) For fastest service, you may send email with this registration information to when you put your check in the mail. If you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please use the space below or attach a more detailed letter. As a registered user, you will receive news future upgrades and tournaments and will be qualified for free upgrades to all future versions of RoboWar. Happy hacking!